CommercialSearch is the newest addition to the Yardi suite of commercial listing platforms.

Welcome to Yardi’s newest commercial real estate listings solution. With CommercialSearch, you can browse all commercial property types and easily search or post listings across all major U.S. markets.

355,000 Listings
All Asset Types
Easy to Search & List


Discover Your Space

A modern, online marketplace for commercial real estate, CommercialSearch connects your business to the perfect operational space for your needs. Plus, free, intuitive and easy-to-use search tools help you locate the best match in your desired location.

Convenient broker contact tools contribute to an efficient, streamlined process. Once you have located a listing of interest, simply contact the agent or broker directly from the search platform.

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Network Power

List with EDGE

Promote and manage your portfolio of listings with CommercialEdge, our comprehensive platform tailored specifically for commercial real estate professionals. Built on more than a decade of vetted research on commercial properties nationwide, Edge allows you to access market insights, find opportunities, compile customizable reports, and much more.

Boost Your Market Presence

Brokers who list their spaces on CommercialSearch instantly benefit from the network power of our family of websites. Your listings gain immediate exposure across the Yardi commercial products suite, including PropertyShark, Point2, and CommercialCafe.

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If you have any questions about our services or website, contact us today!

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