Saskatchewan Commercial Real Estate for Rent and Sale
Search 131 commercial real estate listings in Saskatchewan and find helpful local stats in the Market Overview section below.
2221 Cornwall Street, Downtown Regina, Regina, SK
407, 409, 410 Mississippian Drive, Estevan, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $1,800,000
2830 Dewdney Avenue, Washington Park, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $1,800,000
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1231 & 1235 Broad Street, Churchill Downs, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $1,499,000
312 312 Railway Avenue East, North Battleford, SKProperty
- Land
- 1.21 Acre
For Sale- $15,000
335 Hoffer Drive, Regina, SKServices
- Virtual Office
- Private Office
- Dedicated Desk
Amenities -
5000 E Green Brooks Way, Greens on Gardiner, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $1,551,000
2570 Sandra Schmirler Way, Airport, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
Availability- 1 Space
- 2.54 SF
For Lease- $10.00/SF/MO
4521 Parliament Avenue, Harbour Landing, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
Availability- 1 Space
- 27,531 SF
For Lease- $30.00/SF/MO
7818 Highway 6 South Service Road, RM of Sherwood No 159, RM Of Sherwood, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $5,250,000
111 2 Avenue South, Saskatoon, SKServices
- Virtual Office
- Open Workspace
- Private Office
- Dedicated Desk
Amenities -
1408 Ottawa Street, Regina General Hospital, Regina, SKProperty
- Other
For Sale- $1,200,000
303-361 Albert Street, Highland Park, Regina, SK
300 Confederation Drive, Confederation Suburban Centre, Saskatoon, SK
2200 25th Avenue, Hillsdale, Regina, SK