Winston - Salem, NC Commercial Real Estate for Lease
Search 163 commercial real estate listings for lease in Winston - Salem, NC, including the latest local availabilites across all property types and find helpful local stats in the Market Overview section below.
612 N Trade St, Downtown Winston - Salem, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Retail
- 4,092 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 4,092 SF
Year Built- 1917
For Lease- $17.00/SF/YR
841 Old Winston Rd, Kernersville, NCProperty
- Office
- 11,694 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,112 SF
Year Built- 2007
For Lease- $1,800.00/MO
3921 Westpoint Blvd, Hampton Sted, Winston-Salem, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 36,848 SF
Availability- 2 Spaces
- 36,848 SF
Year Built- 1989
For Lease Contact for pricing -
1620 Piedmont Commerce Dr, Kernersville, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 669,110 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 137,666 SF
Year Built- 2023
For Lease Contact for pricing -
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4000 Brownsboro Road Winston Salem, Brookwood, Winston-Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 10,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 10,000 SF
Year Built- 1978
For Lease- $10.50/SF/YR
105 W Fourth St, Downtown Winston - Salem, Winston-Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 27,000 SF
Availability- 5 Spaces
- 13,636 SF
For Lease- $15.00 - $18.00/SF/YR
215 N Broad St, Holly Avenue, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Retail
- 7,040 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 7,040 SF
Year Built- 1966
For Lease- $16.00/SF/YR
4150 Clemmons Road, Clemmons, NCProperty
- Retail
- 78,000 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 4,150 SF
Year Built- 1996
For Lease Contact for pricing -
520 North Spring Street, Crystal Towers, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 8,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 8,000 SF
For Lease- $10.00/SF/YR
1023 N Chestnut St, Downtown Winston - Salem, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 5,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 5,000 SF
Year Built- 1974
For Lease- $16.00/SF/YR
411. W Fourth Street, Downtown Winston - Salem, Winston-Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 12,441 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 12,441 SF
Year Built- 1932
For Lease- $18.50/SF/YR
Perimeter Center North, Tobaccoville, Rural Hall, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 500,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 500,000 SF
Year Built- 2026
For Lease Contact for pricing -
662 Angus Street, Rural Hall, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 7,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 7,000 SF
For Lease- $7.00/SF/YR
3536 Vest Mill Road, Stratford Manor, Winston-Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 2,040 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,040 SF
For Lease- $16.50/SF/YR
1315 Westbrook Plaza Dr, Stratford Manor, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 10,379 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,296 SF
Year Built- 1998
For Lease- $18.00/SF/YR
801 N Trade St, Downtown Winston - Salem, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 3,000 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 3,000 SF
Year Built- 1930
For Lease- $16.00/SF/YR
1100 Fairchild Dr, Smith Reynolds Airport, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 21,184 SF
Availability- 4 Spaces
- 6,425 SF
Year Built- 2008
For Lease- $6.00/SF/YR
1617 NC 66 S, Kernersville, NCProperty
- Office
- 13,878 SF
Availability- 4 Spaces
- 13,898 SF
Year Built- 2006
For Lease- $17.95 - $19.95/SF/YR
556 Arbor Hill Rd, Kernersville, NCProperty
- Industrial
- 17,472 SF
Availability- 2 Spaces
- 5,410 SF
Year Built- 1988
For Lease Contact for pricing -
250 Executive Park Blvd, Hanestown, Winston Salem, NCProperty
- Office
- 1,775 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,775 SF
Year Built- 1966
For Lease- $15.00/SF/YR