Richardson, TX Commercial Real Estate for Lease
Search 155 commercial real estate listings for lease in Richardson, TX, including the latest local availabilites across all property types and find helpful local stats in the Market Overview section below.
1002 North Central Expwy, Galatyn Station, Richardson, TXProperty
- Retail
- 109,600 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 6,487 SF
Year Built- 1973
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801 Alpha Drive, Richardson East, Richardson, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 73,800 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,700 SF
Year Built- 1984
For Lease- $2,700.00/MO
300 Terrace Drive, Walton Terrace, Richardson, TXProperty
- Retail
- 13,246 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,500 SF
Year Built- 1961
For Lease- $18.00 - $21.00/SF/YR
2600 North Central Expwy, Foxboro, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 229,307 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 18,308 SF
Year Built- 1999
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1110 East Collins Blvd, Galatyn Station, Richardson, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 60,244 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 16,935 SF
Year Built- 1980
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3300 Matrix Drive, Creek Hollow, Richardson, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 142,592 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 24,330 SF
Year Built- 2001
For Lease Contact for pricing -
2050 North Plano Road, University Estates North, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 74,571 SF
Availability- 12 Spaces
- 21,650 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Lease- $1,264.92 - $6,592.19/MO
301 South Sherman Street, Brick Row, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 33,070 SF
Availability- 4 Spaces
- 3,906 SF
Year Built- 1981
For Lease- $15.50/SF/YR
801-819 W Arapaho Rd, Richardson Heights, Richardson, TX
1130 E Arapaho Rd, Richardson East, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 118,515 SF
Availability- 5 Spaces
- 40,381 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Lease- $15.00 - $17.00/SF/YR
1002 North Central Expwy, Galatyn Station, Richardson, TXProperty
- Retail
- 116,698 SF
Availability- 8 Spaces
- 27,206 SF
Year Built- 1973
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3400 Waterview Pkwy, University Of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 202,695 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 24,274 SF
Year Built- 1998
For Lease Contact for pricing -
1130 E Arapaho , Richardson East, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 118,515 SF
Availability- 10 Spaces
- 50,167 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Lease Contact for pricing -
2201 N Central Expy, Prairie Creek Estates East, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 101,232 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 18,570 SF
Year Built- 1981
For Lease- $20.00/SF/YR
3101 E President George Bush Hwy, Creek Hollow, Richardson, TX
3600 Shire Blvd, White Chapel, Richardson, TXProperty
- Retail
- 90,481 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 13,809 SF
Year Built- 2005
For Lease Contact for pricing -
1500 North Greenville Avenue, Galatyn Station, Richardson, TXProperty
- Office
- 298,766 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 46,870 SF
Year Built- 1998
For Lease Contact for pricing -
250 E Arapaho Road, Walton Terrace, Richardson, TXProperty
- Other
- 14,491.4 SF
Availability- 2 Spaces
- 155,984 SF
For Lease- $17.00/SF/MO
1681 Firman Drive, Galatyn Station, Richardson, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 41,918 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 16,339 SF
Year Built- 1981
For Lease Contact for pricing -
1300 West Campbell Road, Lake Park Estates, Richardson, TXProperty
- Retail
- 184,121 SF
Availability- 4 Spaces
- 5,667 SF
Year Built- 1997
For Lease Contact for pricing