Oklahoma Industrial & Warehouse Listings for Sale
9909 E 46th Pl, Alsuma, Tulsa, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 4,200 SF
Year Built- 1972
For Sale- $695,000
213 S Sunnylane Rd, Moore, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 20,000 SF
Year Built- 1982
For Sale- $2,000,000
10 Tantalum Place, Muskogee, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 150,000 SF
For Sale- Determined by Market
1120 North Vermont Avenue, Classic Corbin Park, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 23,307 SF
For Sale- $1,631,490
14834 Bristol Park Blvd, The Crossing, Edmond, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 3,000 SF
Year Built- 2006
For Sale- $460,000
2133 SW 4th St, Lawton, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 16,900 SF
Year Built- 1980
For Sale- $400,000
704 W Choctaw Ave, Chickasha, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 5,000 SF
Year Built- 2008
For Sale- $475,000
8317 N Gateway Terrace, Springfield, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 20,340 SF
Year Built- 1995
For Sale- $2,400,000
1302 SW 2nd St, Lawton, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 6,240 SF
Year Built- 1974
For Sale- $250,000
12400 county rd 73 Coyle, Coyle, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 4,200 SF
Year Built- 2020
For Sale- $650,000
706 N Villa Ave, Westlawn Gardens, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 8,250 SF
Year Built- 1973
For Sale- $742,500
4225 South Jackson Avenue, Southwest Chamber, Tulsa, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 89,110 SF
Year Built- 1965
For Sale- $3,900,000
7 American Way, Shawnee, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 17,100 SF
Year Built- 2001
For Sale- $1,497,000
112th Industrial Park, Britton, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 4,000 SF
Year Built- 2024
For Sale- $165/SF
8104 Silver Crossing, Wilshire Ridge, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 3,000 SF
For Sale- $435,000
NW 122nd and Kelly Avenue, South Park Estates, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 10,500 SF
For Sale- $2,350,000
9609 N Council, Harvest Hills, Oklahoma City, OKProperty
- Industrial
- 3,000 SF
For Sale- $459,000