Trussville, AL Retail Listings for Sale
4417 Pinson Valley Parkway, Echo Highlands, Birmingham, ALProperty
- Retail
- 25,000 SF
For Sale- $1,975,000
332 Gadsden Highway, Huffman, Birmingham, ALProperty
- Retail
- 8,400 SF
For Sale- $925,000
629 Red Lane Rd, Roebuck, Birmingham, ALProperty
- Retail
- 3,780 SF
Year Built- 1970
For Sale- Call to Discuss
Roebuck Plaza Drive, Roebuck, Birmingham, ALProperty
- Retail
- 129,799 SF
For Sale- $850,000
1121 Huffman Rd, Spring Lake, Birmingham, ALProperty
- Retail
- 5,374 SF
Year Built- 1984
For Sale- Subject To Offer