2016 Top Developers

Development firms leading the Year-End 2016 CPE-MHN Top Developers ranking posted robust construction growth and geographic and property-sector diversity.


*Sf for multifamily calculated on estimated 900-square-foot unit size. Key: (Regions) E=East; M=Midwest; S=South; W=West; I=International (Property Sectors) O=Office; I=Industrial; R=Retail; M=Multifamily, including student and senior housing; H=Hospitality; X=Other, including mixed-use and healthcare properties.

Rankings for the 2016 Top Development Firms determined based on a variety of factors, including current and future plans, level of investment in each proposed project, geographic dispersion and property diversification. The strongest firms have a large national presence, diversified investment sectors and aggressive plans for the future. Ranking factors are not limited to data that appears on this page.

To be included in future surveys, please contact Samantha Goldberg at samantha.goldberg@cpe-mhn.com