Microsoft to Relocate Tennessee Branch to Nashville

Microsoft is relocating its Tennessee branch to the mixed-use campus oneC1TY in Nashville.

By Adelina Osan, Associate Editor

Microsoft Corp. is moving its Tennessee regional office from Franklin to Nashville’s Midtown district. Cambridge Holdings Inc. has recently announced the company’s decision to relocate to the mixed-use campus known as oneC1TY.


oneC1TY in Nahville

Microsoft will occupy a 13,300-square-foot space in the new building located at 8 City Blvd. Construction is expected to be completed by summer 2016.

“It is exciting to consider the possibilities for a global leader like Microsoft, positioned within the innovative community of technology-focused companies we are gathering at oneC1TY and adjoining the city’s economic engines in the health and university district of Midtown and North Nashville,” Ryan Doyle, oneC1TY general manager, said in a prepared statement.

Plans for the relocation of Microsoft’s regional office include blending team-focused employee workspace with a customer-facing technology center to create spaces for real-life demonstration of products and services, while seamlessly integrating mobile technology into the workplace to allow employees and customers to work anywhere and anytime.