CRE Trends to Revitalize Shopping Centers
In recent years, shopping centers have faced challenges due to the decline of department store performance. In the place of traditional anchors, a more diverse set of anchors have filled the gap - from grocery stores and big box retailers to experiential locations like art installations and entertainment centers. But when it comes to boosting the overall performance of a shopping center, not all anchor tenants are created equal - some anchors and shopping center formats do more to draw in visitors from a wider area and have bolstered vitality of the centers overall. To understand which anchors and shopping center formats attract more visitors and enhance the broader shopping center, Near compared consumer behavior data from 2019 through 2022 from 28 shopping centers across the US.
Read Near’s report on CRE Trends to Revitalize Shopping Centers to learn:
- 5 trends that are helping boost shopping center performance, including making food a main draw and diversifying into healthcare facilities
- How consumer behavior trends are evolving year over year and how these insights can be applied to your location
- Examples of consumer behavior data strategies in action in locations across the US – from Sacramento, CA to Nashville, TN

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