Weekly Newsletter
Survey Closed: 2019 Top Real Estate Education Programs Survey
Commercial Property Executive and Multi-Housing News are collecting data for the 2019 Top Real Estate Education Programs survey. Complete the survey now to be recognized among the top programs nationwide!
Renshaw Brings Net Lease Trading Into the Digital Age
The B+E online trading platform allows both digitally minded and old-school buyers and sellers to leverage an enormous amount of data for decisionmaking.
Yardi Matrix: Baltimore’s Downtown Surge
Benefiting from demand in core submarkets and the proximity to Washington, D.C.’s more dynamic but less affordable market, the metro continues to display stable fundamentals.
Dumbing Down on Trade
By Hugh F. Kelly, PhD, CRE There is precious little policy in common between the major-party presidential candidates in 2016. However, both seem to believe that multilateral trade agreements like NAFTA or the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are job-threatening pacts that should be repealed, revised or rejected in the interest of protecting U.S. workers in important manufacturing industries. Economists familiar with Gresham’s Law, “Bad money drives out good,” may be seeing a contemporary political equivalent: “Bad ideas—repeated loudly—drive out good in a populist election campaign.” Protectionism has a long history in U.S. industrial…
Incumbency Bodes Well for the Real Estate Market
Experts from Mannatt, Phelps & Phillips weigh in on the upcoming election’s effect on the commercial real estate market.
Economy Watch Weekly: Retail’s Midsummer Stagnation
Economy Editor Dees Stribling weighs in on July’s stagnant retail sales, in his podcast for the week ending Aug. 12, 2016.
Why It’s a Great Time to Borrow for Affordable Housing
Berkadia Managing Director & Head of Affordable Housing Anthony Cinquini blogs on new alternatives from the GSEs and the FHA.
Economy Watch Weekly: What Will the Fed Do?
Economy Editor Dees Stribling weighs in on the next Federal Reserve action, in his report for the week ending June 10, 2016.
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