CPE Launches New Website

Welcome to our new look.

CPE_Sunrise_800x600Welcome to our new look.

Commercial Property Executive has relaunched our website and newsletters to provide you with more information, insights and analysis than ever about the news, people and deals that are important to you — packaged for ease and speed of navigation. Our website also offers access to critical data, including national and metro market reports from Yardi Matrix, our own company rankings of key industry sectors, as well as a well-rounded and carefully curated set of additional real estate, economic and demographic data.

With the new website, you can access information in a variety of ways so you can select what works best for you — whether you prefer to home in on specific cities or regions, focus on particular property types, or stick to information pertaining to your business area. Keep up with who’s moving where and obtain new strategic insights through Q&As and profiles of successful executives and emerging leaders. Gain new perspectives through videos, podcasts, slideshows, guest columns and blog posts. Interact via surveys, polls and social media. And, of course, you can continue to receive news and views delivered to your in-box through this and our other newsletters (with daily, weekly and semi-monthly delivery options). And don’t miss our monthly digital magazine for an in-depth look at trends and features.

Look for more features and a range of new departments across our digital platform in the months to come. And please let us know what you think  — we’re eager to hear from you!