DAILY READS: April 13, 2020

Investors seek $251 million refi. Relief for AAA-rated CMBS. Watching China and Hong Kong as the lockdowns lift? Here's a batch of other critical content for you to read, listen to or watch.

Waterbridge, Continental Equities Seeking $251M Loan for Downtown LA Project 

“The debt will refinance a $213 million Starwood Property Trust loan provided to the borrowers in 2018 that is set to mature this year.” Read more
Commercial Observer 

MBA applauds Fed’s CMBS Stimulus as Credit Index Hits 5-Year Low

“As part of the stimulus, triple-A rated tranches of both outstanding commercial mortgage-backed securities and newly issued collateralized loan obligations became eligible for the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility program.” Read more
National Mortgage News

Image via Pixabay

Lessons For Real Estate From a Market Coming Out of Lockdown

“Having been hit by the coronavirus first, places like China and Hong Kong were among the first to implement quarantine and stay-at-home measures, sometimes as early as January.  Now, those measures have started to have an impact, with the number of new cases dropping to levels where it is now possible for people to slowly begin to leave their homes and resume their daily lives.” Read more

Ranking Arizona: Best Workplace Culture in Commercial Real Estate

“Ranking Arizona is based purely on opinion and ranks companies based on how voters answer this simple question: with whom would you recommend doing business? To make your vote count in the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona, click here to vote.” Read now
AZ Big Media

JLL Brings $165M Greenpoint Site to Market

“JLL Capital Markets was selected by JZ Capital Partners Ltd. and RedSky Capital LLC to sell a development site at 1 Java Street on the Greenpoint waterfront in Brooklyn, N.Y. ” Read more
Real Estate Weekly

Investment Adviser Pays $10 Million for Southeast Asset

“Lincoln Advisory Group, through Columbia Industrial Acquisition Company LLC, purchased the 63,550-square foot property at 8644 S. Peoria St. in Englewood. The seller was Gordon Development LLC, which is affiliated with the building’s anchor tenant, Gordon Plastics LLC. Gordon leased back its space in the building, where Ninja Nation also is a tenant.” Read more
Colorado Real Estate Journal