DVRH LED Retrofit Kit, by Terralux

By Nancy Crotti Terralux has come out with a self-contained LED retrofit kit for 8  inch to 12 inch commercial downlights. The DVRH Retrofit Kit is designed to replace as much as 175-watt lamps and use high-intensity discharge bulbs of as much as 175 watts. The company is touting it as a solution for high…

By Nancy Crotti

DVRH LED Retrofit Kit

DVRH LED Retrofit Kit

Terralux has come out with a self-contained LED retrofit kit for 8  inch to 12 inch commercial downlights. The DVRH Retrofit Kit is designed to replace as much as 175-watt lamps and use high-intensity discharge bulbs of as much as 175 watts. The company is touting it as a solution for high ceilings, atriums and canopies that can be found in airports, convention centers, shopping malls and office buildings. The kit reuses the original downlight fixture, less the old ballast and bulb. All models are Energy Star certified as Luminaire Retrofit Kits, which qualifies them for utility rebates.