Editorial Guidelines

We welcome news about your deals, tips on trends, and offers of sources, Q&A and podcast candidates, case studies and guest columnists. Following are some tips on what we're looking for.

News Releases:


    • If possible, submit your press release to the best candidate on our team-whether it's an editor covering your market, the daily newsletter editor, one of our podcasters, or other specialists.
    • While the press release is great background, we'll want to interview an expert and get some original quotes and perspective. Please be prepared to arrange a same-day interview.
    • News must be current-we do not report news that is a few days old or previously reported by another venue. Deal roundups do not constitute news.
    • We love exclusives! If you can give us the news first, it's significant and it's a good fit, there's a good chance we'll take it. If we choose to pass, we'll try to let you know quickly so you can offer it to someone else (and if you don't hear back, please do follow up).
    • We also love advance notice so we have time to do the necessary reporting and writing in time to release the news as it's being announced. Rest assured, we will respect all embargo times on such opportunities offered to us.
    • Please note that submission does not guarantee publication.
    • Please keep in mind that we receive a great many releases and news pitches. It is often not possible to track these, and even harder to respond to them. We are happy for you to follow up on offers of an exclusive, but we ask you to track coverage on our site of lesser news. 

Download the 2025 Editorial Calendar 

Trend Stories, Podcasts and Q&As: 

    • Our editorial calendar lists planned features, but we are always looking for ideas and suggestions, both for interview candidates and sources for specific topics. New ideas, angles and perspectives are more likely to attract our interest. We also appreciate details and examples we can cite.
    • Specifics make for better interviews and add greater value to our articles. The more, the better.
    • We reserve the right to determine timing, best interview candidates and questions to be asked.   

Guest Columns (Viewpoints): 

    • Submissions should be specifically targeted to CPE's Audience, which includes office and industrial real estate brokers, owners, investors, developers and managers. Anything too general may be rejected. An ideal focus introduces a new concept or perspective for the industry or a sector thereof. 
    • We prefer to receive a pitch for feedback prior to receiving an entire, written article. 
    • All submissions must be company-neutral-not marketing the skills or services of any company. 
    • We do not accept submissions from product vendors.
    • Submissions should be approximately 800 to 1,000 words. 
    • The contributed article should not have been published or posted by competing information sources. If it has been published by a non-competing resource, please note this in the submission.  
    • All guest columns must include a byline (it can be one or two people but cannot list only the company's name) and author's bio. 
    • CPE Editors have the right to accept or reject any submissions based upon what they believe would be of interest to the target audience.  
    • All submissions are edited by the CPE team. Pieces may be changed to best suit the CPE audience and to conform to our editorial guidelines. If changes are significant, we will send them to you for review. Columns might also be sent back to the writer to make changes, as specified by the editor. 



    • All CPE posts must include images.  
    • Guest columns, podcasts and Q&As must include a headshot(s) of the author. 
    • All other content may feature building photos, headshots, renderings, etc. 
    • Images to run along with articles on the website should be at least 800 pixels wide x 600 pixels high (72 dpi). 
    • Images for the Digital Edition must be high resolution, at least 3 inches by 5 inches (300 dpi is preferred but 150 dpi is also acceptable).
    • Images that are to be considered as full-page illustrations (or possible cover images) should be high resolution files and measure at least 9 inches wide by 10.5 inches high.
    • Please only submit photos that you have permission to share. The photo must be accompanied by accurate credit information, including the photographer or illustrator where appropriate. 


For questions regarding Editorial Guidelines, contact Jessica Fiur at [email protected] 

For any questions regarding proper image requirements, contact Michelle Matteson at michelle.matteson@cpe-mhn.comÂ