Eight Denver Government Buildings Get Green Star

A record eight city-operated facilities in Denver have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR certification.

By Barbra Murray, Contributing Editor

Wellington E. Webb Municipal Office Building, Denver

Wellington E. Webb Municipal Office Building, Denver

DenverDenver’s office stock just got greener—officially. Eight public buildings consisting of 3 million square feet owned and managed by the City and County of Denver have been given the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency‘s sustainability stamp of approval in the form of ENERGY STAR certification.

The properties, some developed more than 35 years ago, include: Wellington Webb Municipal Office Building, which, at 630,000 square feet, is the largest of the properties; Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse; Parks Maintenance – Jason; Eastside – Human Services; Arie P. Taylor Municipal Center; Castro Building – Human Services; Minoru Yasui Building; and City & County Building.

On average, ENERGY STAR-certified commercial buildings use 35 percent less energy than the average building and cause 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

The City and County are doing their part for sustainability. “Not only are we lowering our energy costs by finding more efficient ways to operate city buildings, we’re leading by example and driving a community-wide commitment to environmental stewardship,” Michael Hancock, Mayor of Denver, said in a prepared statement.

All told, according to the ENERGY STAR database, Denver boasts approximately 150 commercial properties featuring the coveted label, including private office, industrial and retail assets, as well as government facilities and school properties. This latest achievement also shows the city’s commitment to its 2020 Sustainability Goals, with the goal of reducing the energy consumed by city-operated vehicles and buildings by 20 percent.

Image courtesy of Tryba Architects