First Dark Spots on the Global CRE Map

RICS Economist Tarrant Parsons comments on investor sentiment around the world and notes which markets are showing the first negative readings in the past two years in a new podcast hosted by Senior Writer Alexandra Pacurar.

Tarrant Parsons, Economist, RICS

Tarrant Parsons, Economist, RICS

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has just released the Global Commercial Property Monitor survey results for the last quarter of 2018, with negative readings in the U.K. and China for the first time since 2016. The political drama around Brexit and China’s economic slowdown have led to the change in investor sentiment. At the opposite side of the spectrum is India, a market with increasing capital value.

In the U.S., the situation remained virtually unchanged in the last quarter compared to the previous one. Rising interest rates and the transformation of the retail sector seem to be two major factors that will impact the market in 2019. However, the retail revolution is more likely a global phenomenon, according to Tarrant Parsons, economist with RICS.

Tune in to find out the worst-case scenario for the U.K.’s European Union exit and the markets that investors should keep an eye on in 2019.