Hoffman & Associates Reshuffles Leadership Team

Mark Dorigan is the company's new CEO, while Executive Vice President Shawn Seaman is set to become president.

(Left to right) Mark Dorigan, Shawn Seaman, Monty Hoffman. Image courtesy of Hoffman & Associates

Hoffman & Associates has named Partner & President Mark Dorigan as the new CEO and appointed Principal & Executive Vice President Shawn Seaman as president. Monty Hoffman, founder & current CEO, will serve as chairman and remain an active partner in the company.

Since joining the firm in 2007, Dorigan’s focus has been to lead its legal and corporate affairs, as well as to manage the large-scale, mixed-use and public-private projects. Dorigan holds a masters of laws degree in taxation from the New York University School of Law and a J.D. from the Seton Hall University School of Law. He has more than 30 years of experience as a practicing attorney.

Seaman joined Hoffman & Associates in 2001 and has more than 25 years of experience in development, urban design and architecture. He is currently managing acquisitions and development activities, as well as the company’s sustainable design initiative. In his new role, he will continue to lead ongoing expansion plans. The newly appointed president has a degree in architecture from the University of Miami and a master’s degree in architecture and urban design from the University of Pennsylvania.

Both Dorigan and Seaman are part of the team that kicked off The Wharf, a 3.2 million-square-foot mixed-use development in D.C. In September, the project’s second phase received a record-breaking construction loan of $847 million.