JLL to Lease Hampton Roads Office Property

The building at 880 N. Military Highway is a part of Norfolk's Military Circle Mall redevelopment.

880 N Millitary Highway Norfolk VA

880 N. Millitary Highway, Norfolk, Va.

Norfolk, Va.JLL recently announced that it has been retained to lease 880 N. Military Highway, part of Norfolk’s Military Circle Mall redevelopment.

Movement Mortgage has already signed for 90,000 square feet and will relocate its operations center in the first quarter of 2017. With approximately 100,000 square feet of office space still available on the second floor and 1,400 parking spaces, the building outlines the beginning of revitalization for the Military Highway area. Senior Vice President Deborah Stearns and Vice President Gregg Christoffersen will spearhead JLL’s efforts.

“More and more office prospects are seeking large floor plans that complement higher density operations. The central location of 880, offering access to I-64 and I-264, makes this a highly desirable regional office destination,” said Stearns in prepared remarks.

Image courtesy of JLL