Sustainability Street: Inside Biden’s Zero Emissions Building Definition

Stakeholders have been eager for a uniform standard and a consistent vocabulary.

National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi previewed the definition at Greenbuild. Photo by Moshe Zusman

In January, the Biden administration will release its definition for zero emissions buildings. At last, the Federal government will provide much-needed clarity when it comes to green commitments and the growing collection of state and local regulations and standards.

Welcome Back to Sustainability Street, our podcast on the intersection of commercial real estate and the world we live in. For this episode, I spoke to executives at some of the trade organizations that are weighing in on the definition. They talked about the significance of this move and the momentum behind it.

Here’s a sample of the topics covered:

  • Three core principles (1:43)
  • Stitching together disparate regulations (3:30)
  • ASHRAE moves first (4:15)
  • From research to reality (5:14)
  • Zero energy or zero emissions? (6:10)
  • The challenge of existing stock (9:09)

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