CPE’s 30th Anniversary Issue Is Now Available!

The June issue celebrates the 30th anniversary of the magazine by reviewing the top trends of the past three decades and predicting the biggest changes to come.

TOC-CPEFrom the Editor
Looking back—and ahead.

Data & Analysis
The latest economic, demographic and industry data.

Research: 2017 Top Brokerage Firms

Finance: Commercial Banks
Which assets have the edge?

CFO Corner: Scale Model
Why CRE must revamp its approach to learning.

30th Anniversary Issue

Timeline: Charting 3 Dynamic Decades
Key events that have helped shape the industry.

Executive Predictions
Industry experts recall past prognostications—and offer projections for the future.

Six Drivers for Tomorrow’s Hot Cities
Markets to watch over the next decade.

The Way Forward
A long-term outlook on investment sectors.