UPS Opens New Facility in Poland

The investment is part of a $2 billion expansion program in Europe which UPS launched at the end of 2016.

By Roxana Baiceanu

Pavel Adamovsky, UPS Poland Manager

Pavel Adamovsky, UPS Poland Manager

UPS has expanded its footprint in Europe by investing in a new distribution facility in Mysłowice, Poland. The 118,403-square-foot package center will replace the company’s former 34,229-square-foot sorting facility in Katowice.

The larger building will offer an increased sorting capacity as a result of a state-of-the-art conveyor belt system which can sort up to 6,000 packages per hour. The facility’s extensive parking lot will provide space for up to 170 package vehicles. More than 100 people are expected to work at the facility, since plans to open a new call center are also underway.

UPS based its decision to move to Mysłowice due to the city’s proximity to Katowice airport and many business distribution centers. The investment is part of a $2 billion expansion program in Europe which UPS launched in November of 2016.

Poland is an important market for UPS and in the first quarter of this year we grew our export volume by more than 20 percent,” said Pavel Adamovsky, manager with UPS Poland, in prepared remarks. “This investment demonstrates our long-standing commitment to helping our customers in Poland grow and connect to markets all over the world.

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